Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well I have definitely been known to have some crazy dreams, but this one woke me up around quarter to five this morning. I was dreaming that Kel, Gabe, Sierra and I were going to a hockey game and we were meeting up with a high school friend of mine that I haven't seen in years.

We were walking to the game, which turned out to be at the Montreal Forum. After waiting in line I realized that I didn't have any tickets and I had to find the will call and pick them up there. The lady told me that the will call was upstairs in the church! Okay, I'm game, so I headed up there while everyone else waited in line. Then Gabe said he wanted to go with me too.

--le Forum Montréal (Didn't look anything like that in my dream)

As we were waiting in line to get scanned/searched before we entered the main building and head up to the church?! I heard the Hall & Oates song Sara Smile over the sound system and I started singing along.... in my best falsetto..... The French Canadien guys in line started looking at me funny and laughing and then I woke straight up out of my dream, knowing the horror that I was actually singing along to a Hall & Oates song!

I'm not sure what Freud would have said about this, but I guess it's something from my subconscious someplace. I never liked Hall & Oates much when they were popular, but I guess now that 25 or 30 years have passed I am giving myself permission to sing along to their songs in public. We'll see...

"If you want to be free, you know, all you got to do is say so
And when you feel cold, I'll warm you
And when you feel you can't go on, I'll come and hold you
It's you... And me forever"
--from Sara Smile Hall & Oates

Go ahead and sing along! You know you want to...

Now the hockey part of the dream, I definitely know where it came from. I found 4 tickets to the Blues vs. Anaheim Ducks game tomorrow night on craigslist and I have to pick them up at will call. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. What if will-call is in a church? :O
    Isn't it sad that all the lyrics to Sara Smile are in our brains - I always wonder if those braincells could be used for something better!
